3 Reasons Emergency Medical Alert Systems are Vital

3 Reasons Emergency Medical Alert Systems are Vital

Nurses and caregivers at senior living facilities are tasked with an important and difficult job—providing swift and effective care for many residents at the same time. This is why emergency medical alert systems are a required life safety system in most senior living communities. With the touch of a button, your care team is alerted to respond to your resident’s immediate need. Here are a few reasons why an emergency medical alert /nurse call system is a benefit for optimal resident safety and satisfaction. 

1. Quick Response Time

Medical emergencies can occur at any time. With an emergency medical alert system, the user can simply press a button or activate a pendant and the care team will be notified immediately. This quick response can be lifesaving during emergencies such as falls, heart attacks, or strokes and allows your care team to react swiftly and effectively.  

2. Locate Resident in Need

Residents often spend time outside of their apartments. Whether they’re enjoying a meal in the dining room, attending social events or in any room in your community, it’s important that residents can be reached anywhere within your community at any time. With an emergency response system, nurses will know that their residents can obtain help regardless of their location, and if an emergency should arise, staff can rest assured knowing that their resident can be located within the community precisely and quickly.

3. Independence for Residents

Medical alert systems for seniors allow for a greater level of independence. The peace of mind that the system provides reduces anxiety and gives residents the confidence to live without constant supervision. Residents are more willing to do daily activities alone knowing that they have quick access to emergency assistance if necessary. Not only do residents benefit from the security of a senior emergency alert system, but family members do as well.

When it comes to providing immediate care for seniors, medical alert devices are a beneficial piece of technology. With 24/7 access, customizable features, and rapid communication, these systems offer lifesaving assistance and improve resident and caregiver experiences overall.

Here at Fairchild Communication Systems, we offer a Status Solutions SARA emergency alert system through Fairchild OnCall. Fairchild OnCall, powered by Status Solutions is a safe, efficient, and cost-effective emergency alert solution with a low-cost monthly subscription that provides 24/7 support for senior living facilities. To learn more about Fairchild OnCall contact us today.